5063 North Service Rd Suite 100 Burlington, ON contactus@oaca.info
Job Postings
Job Posting

Job Posting: Registration

OACA currently has a membership of approximately 400 Committee of Adjustment related professionals. The cost for circulating a job posting to our membership is $300.00. This fee includes posting on website (until deadline to apply) and one email blast to membership.

If you wish to advertise with us, please fill out the form below.

**Note: You do not need to be an OACA Member to post a job and there is no need to login before submitting this form.

Advertising is restricted to Committee of Adjustment/Planning related positions.

Please enter information in the form below to process registration for the Job Posting.

If you are an OACA Member, login first to apply any applicable member discount. Otherwise proceed to fill out the registration form without logging in! Forgot your password? Click here.


Payment Information: OACA, Burlington, ON, Canada

Amount (CDN$)
HST Amount
Gross Amount
Payment Method
Credit Card Number*
Expiration Date*
Card (CVV) Code*
Card Holder Name*
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