5063 North Service Rd Suite 100 Burlington, ON contactus@oaca.info
Training & Education

This guide provides all the details you need to complete the Accredited Committee Secretary-Treasurer (ACST) certification process.

Section A: ACST Accreditation Overview

Section B: The Submission Process

Section C: Maintenance of the Designation

ACST Accreditation Overview

The ACST accreditation is for municipal professionals in a Secretary-Treasurer or Consent Authority role. The ACST designation provides municipal professionals with the ability to prove their competency and be confident in their knowledge, skills and abilities in the field.

Competency Framework

  1. Committee of Adjustment Operations
    Awareness and application of legislation, policies & procedures
  1. Communication
    Oral and written communication skills
    Customer relations
  1. Service Delivery
    Delivery of service
  1. Managing Work
    Professional development
    Problem solving

The Submission Process

Step 1: Confirm you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Be a member of OACA in good standing.
  • Must have one of the following:
    1. Completion of the OACA Primer on Planning Course; or
    2. Hold a relevant degree/diploma from an accredited university/college.
  • Be employed by a municipality with at least 2 years of experience in the role of Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer or Consent Official.

Step 2: Demonstrate your knowledge, skills and abilities in the 4 competencies areas by completing the ACST Applicant Submission Package:

Click Here for ACST Submission Package

 Step 3: Submit your ASCT application by logging into your Member Profile. You will be required to complete the Accreditation Application under “My Profile”.

Application Fee: $100.00 (payable at the time of submission)

Review Process

ACST applications can be submitted at any time. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for review by the ACST Review Team. Once an application is reviewed, the ACST Review Team will review your submission against the ACST Competency Framework. Candidates that receive a score of 85% to 100% will be automatically approved for the ACST designation. Successful candidates will be notified by email by the ACST Review Team, which grants the candidate authorization to use the ACST designation. Successful ACST recipients will be recognized for this achievement at OACA’s annual conference.

Maintenance of the Designation

Recipients of the ACST designation will not be required to prove competency again; however, they will be required to maintain the designation by participating in professional development activities over a 4-year cycle.

Professional development units (PDUs) are one-hour blocks of time that candidates spend learning, teaching others or volunteering. 30 PDUs are required in a 4-year cycle, and a cycle is defined as 4 years from the date of accreditation approval.

The chart below is a sample of PDU activities that can be recorded and submitted to maintain your designation. Activities outside of this chart may be approved by the ACST Review Team.

CategoryDescription of ActivityRequired Documentation

Continuing Education & Professional Development

Completion of OACA Primer on Planning; other educational courses offered by OACA; attendance at OACA educational event (ie. conference/seminar) and/or attendance at other professionally relevant conferences; completion of other professionally relevant academic courses

*Must attend a minimum of one OACA conference and/or seminar within the 4 year cycle.

Name/Topic and dates(s) of Course/Program: Name of certificate/degree

Certificate of Completion

Conference/Seminar registration receipt (if not OACA conference please include syllabus)

Self-Directed Learning

Self-directed learning activities which involve personally conducted research or study; reading articles, books; watching videos; having formal discussions with colleagues, co-workers, clients or consultants; being coached or mentored by a colleague, coworker or consultant.

Topic and method of learning

Evidence description and notes.

Teaching & Presenting

Serving as a speaker or instructor for Committee related courses; serving as a moderator of a relevant discussion; serving as a subject matter expert for a panel discussion (may include pre-consultation meetings with applicants).

Topic/description and date(s) of teaching and/or presenting

Agenda, schedule outlining session details

Professional Writing

Authoring a report to Council addressing a C of A matter, correspondence relating to a complex C of A matter where you provide direction in accordance with legislative requirements

Copy of Report / Correspondence or any other material as evidence

Coaching Committee Members

Conducting Committee Member training / education sessions

Agenda, PDF of presentation materials

OACA Involvement

Active participation on an OACA Committee which may include Governance, Legislation, Conference/Seminar or any other Board appointed Committees; Contribution/participation in an OACA event

Your role, committee name, length of time involved (dates), brief explanation of your contributions.

Renewal Process

Step 1: Confirm you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Be an OACA member in good standing; and
  • Be employed by a municipality in the role of Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer or Consent Official.

Step 2: Document your PDUs as shown in the above table with required documentation.

Step 3: Submit your PDU Submission Package by logging into your Member Profile. You will be required to complete the Accreditation Application under “My Profile”.

Renewal Fee: $100.00 (payable at the time of submission)

ACST recipients that do not renew within 4 years from the date of accreditation approval will lose their designation and will need to reapply. 

Former Designations

The former ACST(A), ACM, and ACM(A) designations have been discontinued. In lieu of the committee member designations, OACA has developed a series of Committee Member Training Videos which offers certificates available to download upon successful completion of each unit.


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